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This project's aim was to display the uniqueness of the different street addresses found mainly in my hometown, but also where I currently live. It was fascinating to get a closer look at the placement and design of the number in comparison to the architecture of each house. The main challenge was having to choose between so many fun designs to showcase in my catalog.






Creation of multiple emails and social media posts,
using the branding that Pascha has already established. Each project also used gifs to draw in the attention of the viewer.


December 2021 - present


This first email was sent out to celebrate New Years, 2022. The background colour is conducive of champagne, with the classic Pascha blue to contrast. It was kept very simple while the "2022" gif draws in the attention of the viewer. 

The second email was featuring a letter by one of the founders and owners of Pascha, Courtenay. It was meant to be conducive of a written letter while still being playful with the layout and colours. 

Social Media Posts

"Happy Holidays" was featured in a holiday email as well as on the Pascha instagram and other social media platforms. 

It was combination of five gifs that explore different monuments around the world with "Happy Holidays" written in the language of the location that the monument is found in.

This was just a short gif that went out on Pascha's social media during Christmas to simply spread holiday cheer.


Working with Pascha was my second bigger freelance job and I was very excited to get to work with such a fun design and brand. The challenge would be to maintain this brand identity throughout my designs. Thanks to input from the team working at Pascha, each email and social media post came out how they wanted. 

The "Happy Holidays" gif was part of the first project I did with Pascha.; it was also featured in one of their emails. At first, it felt overwhelming but by organizing myself and creating small goals, I quickly chipped away at it, resulting in a piece I am proud of.

I have also been guided by Pascha's lead graphic designer and all projects have had input and feedback by the Pascha team in order to come up with the final.


This was one of the items that didn't end up working for the holiday gif but it was all a great learning opportunity.

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